The Course Syllabus
In any given course
the syllabus is, typically, the first indicator of a specific instructor's
expectations of students and offers students a rather detailed description of
both course content and assignments. The course syllabus functions as an
academic "contract" between the instructor (and by extension,
department, college and university) and student. Thus, it should be clear,
explicit, and complete, and it should NOT contain imprecise, vague, or ambiguous
phrases. The course syllabus must be provided free of charge (S.R. 6.1.1), and
each student must receive the syllabus during the first or second class
meeting. Syllabi can be distributed electronically (e.g., via e-mail, Web
sites, etc.) providing the electronically distributed syllabus contains all the
necessary information, is posted electronically at the very beginning of the
course, AND remains posted throughout the semester.
Regardless of its form
(paper or electronic), the course syllabus must contain sufficient information
so that students have a clear understanding of the course, its content,
assignments, grading criteria, and the like. It must also specify course
policies and procedures, especially those that in any way may affect student
grades. At a minimum, the course syllabus must outline the following items:
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