Special English VOA - Vietnamese (เพลย์ลิสต์) [4]

milling N.
การสีข้าว The white
Thousands of people were milling around 
in the square.
deficiency N.
ความขาดแคลน Scarcity
Body temperature rising, pulse rising ...
 he's in a state of oxygen deficiency.
Sight Adj.
การมองเห็น see 


It is hard to see the sights of Tokyo in a few days.

genetically Adj.

เกี่ยวกับพันธศาสตร์ About science mission.

In the case of language, however, it is only the ability to talk and understand that we inherit genetically; the particular language or languages that we speak are passed on to us not by genetic transmission but by cultural transmission.

genes N.
พันธุกรรม Heredity
Genes were formerly called factors.

currently ADV.

ในปัจจุบัน nowaday
I regret to say that the product 
you have asked for is currently
out of stock.

bacterium N.

พืชหรือสัตว์ที่มีขนาดเล็กมาก มองด้วยตาเปล่าไม่เห็น bacterium
In order to isolate him from bacterium, and such, he is not allowed visitors.

Opponent N.

ฝ่ายตรงข้าม คู่ต่อสู้ Opponent


The team had advantage over 
 their opponents.

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chat with foreigner [4]

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Learning Log 4 (outside of classroom)

Communicative language teaching (CLT)

    Communicative language teaching (CLT), or the communicative approach, is an approach to language teaching that emphasizes interaction as both the means and the ultimate goal of study.
Classroom activities
Classroom activities used in communicative language teaching include the following:
·         Role-play
·         Interviews
·         information gap
·         Games
·         Language exchanges
·         Surveys
·         Pair-work
·         Learning by teaching
However, not all courses that utilize the Communicative Language approach will restrict their activities solely to these. Some courses will have the students take occasional grammar quizzes, or prepare at home using non-communicative drills, for instance. William Glasser's "control theory" exemplifies his attempts to empower students and give them voice by focusing on their basic, human needs: Unless students are given power, they may exert what little power they have to thwart learning and achievement through inappropriate behavior and mediocrity. Thus, it is important for teachers to give students voice, especially in the current educational climate, which is dominated by standardization and testing (Simmons and Page, 2010)

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Learning Log 4 (inside of classroom)

25 June, 2013

             Today is a forth class, we are learning about Pronunciation teaching, culture teaching, language evaluation and CLT.
             The first is Pronunciation teaching. Teachers have to use phonetics symbol for teaching because it is easy to practice pronounce        
             The second is culture teaching. culture was understood in terms of formal or "high" culture (literature, art, music, and philosophy) and popular or "low" culture. From this perspective, one main reason for studying a language is to be able to understand and appreciate the high culture of the people who speak that language. The pop culture is regarded as inferior and not worthy of study.
            The third is language evaluation. It is the way to access the students what they have known and what they have to learn much more. Nowadays, we'll use authentic assessment.
            The last is CLT. CLT is Communicative language teaching.It is the approach that focus on links language ability with communicative. It should use interaction a lot.
            Before finished class, Teachers give a task. Write the name of 4 unit ( unit 1 about local, unit 2 about regional, unit 3 about global and unit 4 about glocal (local+global)) and sent next class.

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Facebook Finds New Friends in the World of Private Finance [3]


Invest [v.]
ลงทุน , Invest
A good method for investing is 
a monthly allotment

Investor [n.]
ผู้ลงทุน Investor
The big investor bought up the 

Consider [v.]

พิจารณา diagnose
We will have to consider each 
application on a case-by-case basis.

Involved [adj.]

The questions involved go far
 beyond economics.

Marriage [n.]

แต่งงาน wed
They had their marriage registered 
on February 5

Administrative [adj.]

เกี่ยวกับการบริหาร Managerial
The prime minister proposed 
administrative reforms.

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chat with foreigner [3]

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Learning Log 3 (outside)

Vocabulary Teaching
1. How important do you think it is for students to learn vocabulary?
- Students need vocabulary to communicate.
- Students need vocabulary to read materials for their subjects.
- Having a strong vocabulary helps them   - in a master's program / in their future
2. What are problems you have encountered when teaching vocabulary?
 - It is difficult to make students retain vocabulary.
- It is challenging to make new vocabulary words interesting and desirable.
- It is hard to help students see the value of learning these new words besides being
necessary to do well on an exam. 
- Teachers sometimes lack accurate understanding of meaning.
- Eliciting the meaning is good sometimes but can be frustrating and not practical if
you haven't the time.
3. What are problems you think students encounter when learning vocabulary?
 - There is a problem in accurate understanding and use; it's difficult for students to use
new words in a proper context. 
- Students have difficulty distinguishing the different forms of a word based on the part
of speech and tend to repeatedly use a wrong form. 
- Students cannot spot the difference(s) between two words with similar meanings and
therefore cannot use them properly.
- Students do not actively participate in their own learning and are really quite passive
as they require it to be fed to them.
- Students worry too much about spelling.
4. What are your techniques for teaching vocabulary?
 - Go over key vocabulary first when learning a new passage.
- Use pictures.
- Use synonyms and antonyms.
- Use the white board a lot and break a word into its syllables, noting the stressed one.
- Say each syllable aloud  and students must repeat.  Then say the whole word and
students repeat.
- Have students write their own sentences using selected vocabulary. 
- Have students rephrase sentence samples with new words to check their
- Use vocabulary quizzes where they have to fill in the blank with the correct
vocabulary words. 
- Have students try to explain the meanings of the words in class (in English). 
- Use games & exercises. Word searches and crossword puzzles work well, but it takes
some preparation.  Games are some of better ways because students are more engaged.
- Have students use new words in role play.
- Explain new words through examples.
-Draw on other uses of the word after students understand the main meaning
previously taught.
- Before making a transition to the next unit, ask students about key vocabulary they
have learnt.
5. What are your techniques for learning vocabulary?
 - Repetition promotes word retention. [One gets a good sense of a vocabulary word
from "repetitive listening, reading, and speaking".] 
- Try to find an excuse to use a new word in a sentence. 
- Learn new words when looking them up in a dictionary.
- Use mnemonic devices.
- Learn and remember more advanced vocabulary through reading high-level
- One said he has not developed a conscious and systematic technique for learning
vocabulary words.  He felt that he simply went to his language classes. 
- One picks up what s/he can from here and there in the “real world”. 
- One directly studied words and phrases from his notebook after class.
- First decide if the word is one worth retaining. if it is, write it down in a vocabulary
log book.
- Make a small flashcard with a Thai equivalent on one side and English on the other.
[You can then carry them around and use them whenever you want.  Flashcards are
very portable, very inconspicuous.]

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Learning Log 3 (inside of class room)

 18 June, 2013

Today, I listen my friends presented about teaching methods. There are 6 methods; Content based learning, Listening teaching, Speaking teaching, Reading teaching, Writing teaching, and Vocabulary teaching.
      The first, content based learning is teaching that it focused on content. This method use content to teach, synchronization of content with the aim of teaching language for communication. The second, listening teaching is the language modality that is used most frequently. This method has 3 steps to listening. They are instruction in listening, during and after listening. Use authentic material and situation because it can help students by lecture. The third, speaking teaching is emphasize structure, grammar, and speaking.The goal of teaching speakingskills in effective communication. Students should be able to make themselves understood in their ability to use their current.The fourth, reading teaching this approach gives students learning by reading  vocabulary, grammar, and sentence structure, In this approach, lower level learners read only sentences and paragraphs generated by textbook writers and instructors. The fifth, Writing teaching is a complex process that allows students to explore thoughts and ideas, and make them visible and concrete. Writing encourages thinking and learning for it motivates communication and makes thought available for reflection. The last, Vocabulary teaching. It is now widely accepted that vocabulary teaching should be part of the curriculum and teaching. The goals of vocabulary teaching must be more than simply covering a certain number of words on a word list. Teacher should be teach about the new vocabulary in context also teach about pronunciation of vocabulary to students.
              To sum up, there are six methods that can integration to contents. It can help teacher to improve students to learn the best. 

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