Learning Log 4 (inside of classroom)

25 June, 2013

             Today is a forth class, we are learning about Pronunciation teaching, culture teaching, language evaluation and CLT.
             The first is Pronunciation teaching. Teachers have to use phonetics symbol for teaching because it is easy to practice pronounce        
             The second is culture teaching. culture was understood in terms of formal or "high" culture (literature, art, music, and philosophy) and popular or "low" culture. From this perspective, one main reason for studying a language is to be able to understand and appreciate the high culture of the people who speak that language. The pop culture is regarded as inferior and not worthy of study.
            The third is language evaluation. It is the way to access the students what they have known and what they have to learn much more. Nowadays, we'll use authentic assessment.
            The last is CLT. CLT is Communicative language teaching.It is the approach that focus on links language ability with communicative. It should use interaction a lot.
            Before finished class, Teachers give a task. Write the name of 4 unit ( unit 1 about local, unit 2 about regional, unit 3 about global and unit 4 about glocal (local+global)) and sent next class.

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